Nicolas Rouge

Hi there! 👋, I'm a Full Stack Developer with 5 years of experience, Expert in .NET and React, Working in Cloud environments. Always excited to explore new tools and technologies, from DevOps to AI! 🚀

Clean Code 🧹SOLIDDesign patterns
TDDUnit Tests
N-TierHexagonal Architecture

➡️ Currently working on the transformation of a vehicles delivery platform at Cox Automotive UK & Europe.
➡️ Prior to this, I worked on some game-changing Fleet management platform features and created an 'e-learning' app from scratch which amassed 1000+ users on its debut and have consistently thrived since.
➡️ Experience in Automotive, Healthcare and Banking. Check my Linkedin for more details.

In my spare time, I love working on mini projects:

🔹💻.NET 6+ APIs
🔹⚛️ React and NextJs projects
🔹🤖 Cox Hackathon
🔹☁️ Serverless platforms

When I'm not coding, I enjoy discovering new experiences and destinations. Recently, I went skiing for the first time and it was an incredible adventure! 🗻🚠⛷️


Nicolas Rouge

London Docks:

Nicolas Rouge

Manchester's layers of history:

Nicolas Rouge

Peak District hike:

Nicolas Rouge

Lake District Expedition:

Nicolas Rouge